View Full Version : Kony 2012

07-03-2012, 3:24pm
KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

World change through social media

Who would have thought??



07-03-2012, 4:35pm
already bet me to it.

this is by far the greatest thing I've seen social media used for.
I know I'll be putting a lot of wheat pastes up in the local area to support it.

10-03-2012, 4:50pm
I don't doubt their good intentions, but you should have a read of this by someone who's actually been to Uganda : http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1632821/blog-kony-2012-hype-over-substance

14-03-2012, 4:40pm
The us have heard word of an oil discovery... Not at all a coincidence this has popped up after it having been a 20+ year problem

14-03-2012, 4:59pm
The SBS article sums it up pretty nicely.

The truth is Kony 2012 is not about the conflict in northern Uganda. It's a story of victims, villains and more importantly heroes - foreign, white people like us with power and money and influence, sitting before our keyboards, on our proverbial white horses striding into the country to save those whose voices and faces tell us they need saving, voices and faces that almost can’t say anything else because – like me with Coincy – we fail to understand them when they do. They no longer fall perfectly into that neat little "victim" box we’ve spent so long fashioning for them.

14-03-2012, 5:12pm
People should read this before posting the Kony Video http://facecrooks.com/Internet-Safety-Privacy/kony-2012-invisible-children-awareness-campaign-read-this-before-sharing-their-video.html

On top of what they say in that article, there's the fact that the whole Kony thing is massively oversimplified. Do they think for even a second, that if they get Kony that one of his 2IC's or another warlord won't step right into his spot? Incredibly idealistic to think that getting rid of him will make a difference until they deal with the underlying issues, the culture of corruption, and the highly dodgy government.

14-03-2012, 8:14pm
For god's sake, get of your butts and go help out at meals on wheels, it will be infinitely more useful than this beat up

14-03-2012, 8:31pm
For god's sake, get of your butts and go help out at meals on wheels, it will be infinitely more useful than this beat up

I agree......... We have more than enough charities and desperate people/communities in Australia we should all contribute to.
Things can only get worse with this brain dead government closing down industries left right and centre. I shudder to think what future
the next generations have. This Kony sensation could end up being the biggest scam in history, who knows.

JM Tran
14-03-2012, 8:32pm
as a part time volunteer/development worker in Asia for some NGOs, whom I go over for once every year - I have already voiced my concerns about this video and its implications in misleading the public and whilst having good intentions, they are misguided intentions. The video has already copped a lot of criticism from Ugandans themselves from Uganda and the ppl that have worked there or are currently there for developmental work.


My experiences in developmental work, quoting an online poster - 'people talking about “awareness” as if it is an end in itself — that drives people who actually work in development up the wall.

Pro-Kony 2012 supporters seem to assume that there are only four kinds of people involved here: the unaware, the aware, the awareness-raisers, and the “elitists” on the sidelines making fun of them. Note who’s missing from your worldview: notably, Ugandans, and also non-Ugandans who are actually in the field doing something (potentially) worthwhile. Their work actually has a measurable value and impact, unlike those who are “raising awareness and believe it is the be all and end all feel good fad'. If people in Uganda themselves, LOCALS - are raising concerns and voicing their outrage at the video in creating false awareness and misleading information in their OWN country. I simply do not understand why Western people are still keen and will froth at the mouth to defend the 'good intentions' of this video. Who are we to argue or force our western feel-good views onto them?

14-03-2012, 8:44pm
If you are going to support someone, then support Irene Gleeson who has helped 1,000's of these children get their lives back.


16-03-2012, 6:03am
If you are going to support someone, then support Irene Gleeson who has helped 1,000's of these children get their lives back.


Nice find Kym. The work of Sam Childers also makes for an interesting read, Google "Machine Gun Preacher".

16-03-2012, 6:07am
I must be one of the only ones who has not watched the video.

16-03-2012, 8:26am
It's 30 minutes long, so hope you have plenty of spare time on your hands if you do

16-03-2012, 8:31am
It's 30 minutes long, so hope you have plenty of spare time on your hands if you do

Not intending to. I ignored it for the first week or so, then started to see the headlines for the counter-arguments. My way of thinking is, that if something is presented on the net, if it is still being talked about a week later in the way it was on day one, then maybe it really is important and I should possibly have a look/read about it. Ironically most things tend to disappear before the week is up, never to be heard about again.

18-03-2012, 12:09am
What I found amazing was HOW quick this went viral!

Do I believe in the cause?? Sort of??

I believe that if the ICC want this guy in front of them, Then the world should be taking notice. Gaddafi was on the same list til he met his end.

but I did not give these guys money

We need it here to support our childrens charities and programs

18-03-2012, 8:04am
Some breaking news