View Full Version : Aussie Retailer matching grey Prices

Old Skool
06-03-2012, 5:09pm
Just noticed that JB HiFi are matching grey import prices by their online shopping site only, by doing grey importing themselves. Advantage of them is they give an Aussie warranty. I've checked some Canon lens prices and same price as cheapest Hong Kong price I can find on EBay, so my next lens purchase will be thru them, not via Ebay as I usually do. Apparently they have got a deal with Nikon also for their cameras at grey prices.

06-03-2012, 5:52pm

Already being discussed HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?100864-Nikon-Aus-realising-grey-is-a-threat)

I @ M
06-03-2012, 5:53pm
Been discussed today in this thread Russell


Old Skool
06-03-2012, 5:59pm
Thanks, missed that.