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03-03-2012, 10:38am
Whoops! Nikon Uses Canon DSLR Footage to Launch D800 (http://www.steves-Digital Cameras.com/news/whoops_nikon_uses_canon_dslr_footage_to_launch_d800.html)

03-03-2012, 11:42am
Sorry Terry.
Link doesn't work.
.... tried to edit the link, but the link itself doesn't maintain the correct address, it gets convoluted when posting.

Funny story tho!

My guess is that Nikon marketing didn't produce the promo, but that they've enlisted the services of a marketing company that doesn't understand the concept commercial correctness! :D

tried again to link to that article on steve's Digital Cameras, but it simply won't stick!

03-03-2012, 12:06pm
Oh deary, deary me.

What a gaffe.

And what a chance for Canon to get some free mileage.

03-03-2012, 12:25pm
I've just had a quick look at the Aussie, Worldwide, USA and Europe site and can't find any D800 promo video that looks anything like the one posted on Steve's Digital Cameras site.

All the 'promo' videos on the various D800 sites/microsites are actual short films captured with the D800!

I watched all of the video in the link, and I dare say it has nothing to do with Nikon in any way.
The last few seconds with the camera(D800) can only be described as hilarous in film making terms!! :D

Someone's idea of a bit of a stir, as opposed to a real story.

I just did some more searching and the 'story' is a load of garbage!!



.... is apparently the promo video that Terry linked via that steve's Digital Cameras site.

It's supposedly the promo video for the Bankok(Thai) Nikon site.....

03-03-2012, 12:27pm
But if you go to the Nikon Thai site, you get a promo video that looks more like this one:


Ummm .... it appears to be some Canon fanboi's idea of fun! :rolleyes:

03-03-2012, 6:09pm
http://www.steves-Digital Cameras.com/news/whoops_nikon_uses_canon_dslr_footage_to_launch_d800.html

Does that one work?

Good gob Snr AP Detective Arthur. My initial thought was that it was a fairly average quality video, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a fake.

04-03-2012, 6:04am
The only thing I can think of with this MP4 video footage is that it was shot inside a theatre or is a video of a TV ad, so it may be a 'real ad' as opposed to an internet ad.
Handheld footage, in a darkened room and then someone talking in Asian of some kind, and then there's a reflection of someone walking up to what appears to be the video monitor or TV or whatever, right at the very end.

So who knows what this promo ad is really about .... :confused013

04-03-2012, 9:52am
Interesting. The video is present HERE (http://www.firstpost.com/topic/organization/nikon-nikon-d800-bangkok-launchingflv-video-Q352NTtsPec-9416-1.html), in the background of the Bangkok launch. It starts at about the 1:55 second mark. It has also been found that some of the video is from a snowboarding move "Art of Flight" and not shot on a DSLR of any type, other parts were shot with a D4.

I wonder if Nikon (in Japan) authorised this video or if the Bangkok people just used their local marketing company to come up with something. Certainly I reckon a few questions will be asked about this one and some Nikon heads in Bangkok will roll.

04-03-2012, 4:40pm
So, not a canon fanboi's idea of fun, rather straight out Intellectual property theft, possible intent to take financial advantage (NB fraud) and most of all a MASSIVE bloody cock up

Cheers Nikon, I need something likek this for my marketing class, I'm sure the other 400 students will love it. Hard for the lecturer to hold me up to standards when the biggest names behave like this

05-03-2012, 11:20pm
Apologies for the Canon fanboy comment.

It's very unlikely that IP has been infringed upon, but it would have made for better form from the marketing company responsible to have used the video capabilities of the D800 or D4 to make the film.

I'm sure that the marketing company responsible would have had all the correct contracts/licenses and authorisations to produce the film .. it seems as though they've just gone with the cheaper and quicker option of producing a film with a 'wow' quality without thinking through the entirety of the exercise and the repercussions of their choices.

What's especially irksome about it is that there are so many budding would be film makers out there, I'm sure I'd have been cheaper to get some short films produced (possibly as a competition! :p) and use real footage from D800's/D4's.

There's a promo video on the NikonUSA site that is a short story(of a boy and his camera) .. ultimately became a bit tedious(just a touch too long), but the 'moral of that story' was that it was all shot with D800.

It seems that each 'region' must be responsible for their own promotional material.
And something else that doesn't make sense is that, if this is a Thai marketing production, why was it made in English(and not Thai).

.. once again apologies to all the Canon fanbois and any implied slur on their collective character(s).