View Full Version : Another New Member

02-03-2012, 11:02pm
Hi Everyone,

I started out with a Canon AE1 and a 50mm prime in the early 80s - well, if you don't count the plastic point and clicks of the 70s. The AE1 took some great photos but went into disuse when auto focus and digital started to take off.

These days I carry my G7 constantly while on holidays and trips away with work. But I've been conscious of its limitations and have been stalking the forums and camera shops with zeal since visiting the US in September last year. It seemed like every 14 year old or tourist had at least a T3i and a descent zoom. So i decided I needed to upgrade to DSLR in order to capture those magic shots with greater success. I generally like landscapes, city streets and buildings, with a desire for the creative.

I would love to buy a full frame model but can't justify the cost. I also want video and a good, current feature set, so have decided on the 7D - that was easy. The biggest challenge now is deciding on my first lens, despite reading numerous posts. I was considering the EF-S 17-55 2.8 for lower light, IQ and wide angle. But I really want more reach and better dust/weather sealing for lots of outdoor use. So I'm just about committed to the 24-105 f4 L. It may not be particularly wide on the 7D but I've noted that many match it with the 10-22 for landscape work. I'm just not sure about the lack of f2.8. Maybe a 50mm 1.4 later for those indoor moments?

Hopefully I'll get some good tips and feedback from the forum and look forward to developing my photography and sharing some pics - once I decide on which lens investment, that is.



02-03-2012, 11:14pm
Hi Nigel,
welcome to the site. Look around and have fun. Post some photos to..
In terms of lenses I would recommend the 17-55 superb lens, used to have one. You can match that to a 70-200 (4 or 2.8) for extra reach and go real wide with the relativelly new Sigma 8-15 which gets rave reviews.


02-03-2012, 11:58pm
Thanks John, your suggestions sound good. Logic says the f2.8 will give more versatility in lower light and the optics apparently give L-series results. But I'm concerned about the build quality and dust resistance when compared to an L-series lens as my walk-around.

And inadequate reach is a worry until I buy the 70-200 (already on my wish list). I suspect my wife will notice the dent in the bank balance if i buy both (and the camera) at the same time... The 24-105 just seems to have a reasonable balance of what's desireable in a lens.

Do you think the 17-55 is of sufficient build quality and dust resistance to allay my preference for L glass in my primary lens?

Decisions, decisions...

03-03-2012, 2:45am
Do you think the 17-55 is of sufficient build quality and dust resistance to allay my preference for L glass in my primary lens?

Decisions, decisions...

The build is solid, but not "L". Optics and IS are L class, if not better in some cases. I had one for a few years including on safari in Africa (back of open vehicles etc.) no problems with dust or robustness.

03-03-2012, 6:28am
Welcome to AP Nigel, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums soon

03-03-2012, 7:35am
Any lens, used now, is better than a lens you do not have.

Welcome to AP

03-03-2012, 5:24pm
Welcome to the forum, sure you'll find plenty of info around here.

03-03-2012, 8:04pm
Welcome to AP Nigel. I look forward to seeing your work soon. Agree with Rick and don't wish to cloud your thoughts any more however, another well reviewed lens to suit the crop is the Tokina 11-16 f/2.8. Enjoy the site :)

03-03-2012, 8:16pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

03-03-2012, 10:39pm
Any lens, used now, is better than a lens you do not have.

Welcome to AP

Thanks Gents. I can certainly agree with the logic. I'm off to Christmas Island in three weeks and hope for some good photo opportunities. Last time I was there, the crabs were migrating, so I'll see what's worth posting, despite the G7s optics. Now just to decide f/2.8 or reach...