View Full Version : Absent for awhile, but back!

Cheryl A
01-03-2012, 10:06pm
Apologies to you, Rick, for my lack of activity here on AP, even though I've been chatting to you on FB.:o It seems that FB - and work - have been dominating my life for the past few months, and I'm behind in everything. :(

Work is falling behind, I'm still trying to get to process photos taken a couple of months ago, I've got a new puppy that has involved time in training and so many other reasons for my absence. I say "reasons", rather than "excuses" because they are legitimate reasons. However, I will try to schedule in time for AP, even if it's just one night a week . I really need to get more active in taking photos and posting them on here in order to get critique and learn.

I've kind of missed so many of you and look forward to touching base again soon.

01-03-2012, 10:12pm
FB ? :confused013 :D

:gday: & Welcome Back

Cheryl A
01-03-2012, 10:43pm
Thanks, Kym!! It's good to be back :)

01-03-2012, 10:53pm
welcome back Cheryl, a puppy is a great subject post away:D

02-03-2012, 6:07am
Welcome Back to AP and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums soon

07-03-2012, 11:29pm
many of us have similar problems. I also am just back, and looking forward to seeing more of your images and your thoughtful comments

08-03-2012, 3:35pm
Im in the same boat. Too many things in life to concentrate. If I have access Ill even post a pic =]

08-03-2012, 8:26pm
In the same situation Cheryl. It seems the days are passing by way to fast.

Welcome back!!!