View Full Version : Australian Photography March edition

Dylan & Marianne
01-03-2012, 7:25am
Robert Keeley has again chose our work for display in March's edition of the magazine :)
The cover was a shot taken from Scotland at Mellon Udrigle and was a suprise choice given some of the other images we submitted for the cover
The article was a request from the editor that we write about some of the gear we bring along with us while landscape shooting.
Some things we noted about the article :
- I have no idea why we included a throwaway line about photographing lightning - the number of times I've gone out to do that I can count on my hand ....(apologies to storm chasers out there)
- The last line was something we're a little bit upset with. The original read ".........you may have to carry extra weight in order to accommodate these pieces of equipment but you will find that your results will speak for themselves" The edited version read :....and we think the results speak for themselves: .........the implication being that we think we're so awesome ......is that how it read to you?
Hope you enjoyed the rest of the mag! nice pieces from Darren Leal and Ken Duncan in it too


01-03-2012, 11:03am
I just bought this magazine yesterday but haven't had a chance to read it yet! Congrats on getting your work chosen! I must give it a good read when I'm done here!:)

01-03-2012, 11:48am
Well done, yet again Dylan and Marianne. Look forward to recieving my copy in about 3 weeks :angry0:

01-03-2012, 3:26pm
Becoming a regular, are we not.... I'm never surprised when I see you and Marianne do well. Most of your images deserve to be in print anyway... Congrats

01-03-2012, 7:58pm
Well done!
Great shots too.

Dylan & Marianne
01-03-2012, 9:02pm
thanks guys :) I hope we can get more regular gigs in the magazine - it gives a good purpose to do something with the images and to practice writing skills too!

aussie girl
01-03-2012, 10:09pm
Quote "The edited version read :....and we think the results speak for themselves: .........the implication being that we think we're so awesome ......is that how it read to you?"

Not at all Dylan. The fact of the matter is this. You have explained about having to take extra bits and pieces, and the weight difference it may make, and they have written it as WE think the results speak for themselves. Well they do Dylan!! So please do not put your self into a quandry worrying about others thinking you are trying to make yourselves look special. You and Marianne ARE special. I have looked at heaps of your photographs and have been inspired by them, especially the ones that you have taken along the SA coast (I am lucky enough to live at Maslin Beach). Your photos are fantastic to me. I have never sensed you thinking that you are some sort of big shot, if anything, you are a little too harsh on yourself at times, but hey, every "artist" is.
Congratulations on having your work printed in the magazine, alongside such a well known photographer as Ken Duncan!! Seems to me that all your hard work is paying off, and it wont be long before your name has become a household name.

Cant wait to see your next lot of posts/photos

02-03-2012, 6:24am
Well done. It doesn't hurt to show off good work and "brag a little". It is when it gets shoved down your throat with every little breath you take, and this is not the case with you both. I too have admired your work and you should be very happy with yourselves because you do take stunning shots. And they would not be on the cover unless they were!!! Good luck to you both and let's hope for many more.

Dylan & Marianne
02-03-2012, 6:52am
Thanks for your feedback about the article :) I'm glad you read it in that manner and didn't see it come across as we were afraid it might have. One of our 'secret' agendas is to try getting our work out there so that we can cut down our full time work a little and balance things out slightly more toward photography - but probably not entirely so until retirement comes along (oh, and mortgages and kids fees are paid off too lol)

04-03-2012, 8:30pm
congrats once again guys! credit to all your hard work!

Dylan & Marianne
04-03-2012, 9:13pm
thanks trent :)

05-03-2012, 9:33pm
Well done Dylan, you guys deserve it.