View Full Version : Need a new website... didnt like wix.com

24-02-2012, 6:55pm
Hey Guys

I need some suggestions on website providers for a simple portfolio. I already use a blog on wordpress.com

I'm currently using wix and i really hate it. I hate how long it takes to load, and uploading pictures to it is a pain and i hate the layout etc. I paid for it and i regret it.

I need something that's going to be fairly simple to use, maybe something that offers templates. I don't want to buy frontpage or DWeaver or anything like that- once it's set up, i dont really want to play with it too often if you know what i mean.

If you could suggest some places that i could try that would be fantastic.

Thanks guys


- ive already been told about squarespace.com and webs.com

25-02-2012, 7:51pm
A lot of people use a wp blog as their page, it is easy to edit and rather friendly to goooglie. It doesnt have to look like a blog even if it is wp.

26-02-2012, 4:29pm
The problem with many web site hosts is they run a shared hosting environment. The bottleneck becomes the SQL server which is servicing heaps of web sites running Wordpress, Joomla etc. After 12 months running on a cheap platform, I moved to a VPS hosted in Australia. A VPS (virtual private server) is your very own Unix box on the Internet. The virtual bit is that the server is not running on dedicated hardware but on a slice of virtual memory on (probably) a cluster of servers. now my SQL server just looks after my site so the response is much better. My web developers did all the initial onfiguration for about $100 and I used Elance to outsource the web development in the first place. An Indian firm won my business and I am very happy with the result.

Mark L
27-02-2012, 9:38pm
^ any links to who you're happy with Rod?

28-02-2012, 2:57pm
I tries the freebie on webs and found the set up not to be as personalized as I would of liked- wix is dreadful I agree. I wanted to try the free versions to get an idea of it all before forking out $$'s

I really can't figure out WP, I downloaded it all but ha e no idea what to do next. Im Generally pretty savvy on the computer but this challenged me So I have given up on the website thing for now. I'll watch this space for some info tho.

28-02-2012, 7:02pm
It depends on how much you want to pay per month. These days Free = not so good, not so fast or too many ads.

I have used Yahoo hosting for over 10 years, never had a problem with them. Pages load as quick as the internet connection, which here in Japan, is quicker than the blink of an eye.

I have made a ton of websites of the years, but these days hard to compete on price with the guys in India on elance. I stick to the custom design work.

if you get a wordpress template you like the layout of, you can quite easily get someone to modify the graphics so it looks 100% original to yours. That is what I have been doing for some of my websites lately.

28-02-2012, 8:15pm
cool you can do mine LOL
I give up

28-02-2012, 8:16pm
keith killer - cool you can do mine LOL
I give up

Captured frame
29-02-2012, 7:44pm
Have you looked at Click Pic, they have quite a variety of lay outs and aloow for some customising they also appear reasonably priced. I have just signed up with them and to this point in time they appear to be easy to work with and not causing any problems or stressful times setting it up.

29-02-2012, 8:01pm
^ any links to who you're happy with Rod?

I think I'm allowed to post a link now so here is a link to my web site

There is a link to my developer in the footer. Project was managed on Elance and I was even invited to his wedding! But a bit hard to attend when it was held in India the following day!

I use Netregistry for hosting but can't recommend them.

I use these guys to monitor uptime and downtime. Cost $20 per month and shows graphs of CPU utilization graphic and memory usage etc as well as emailing me if it drops out.

27-03-2012, 11:22am
I use Photo Merchant

Photo Merchant (http://www.photomerchant.com.au/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=photo%20merchant&utm_campaign=AU-SE-PM-A&pm_src=web&pm_ad=Adwords_AU-SE-PM-A_photo%20merchant&gclid=CJ3-uNr0ha8CFUuCpAodQjBj_A)

01-04-2012, 6:15am
@rodw to what level did you have to brief your web company with regard to design and features. I know what I want but wouldnt have the lingo for the technical aspects ...

08-04-2012, 1:49pm
I've used Clikpic for the last year or more, and I'm pretty happy with them. Don't need a degree in IT to create the website, which I love, and I feel l ike I have more control over how it looks.
Having said that, I have created entire pages in Photoshop (so I get the design I like - it is easier!) then just added links, buttons etc. My menu items are even jpgs!!!

11-04-2012, 5:24pm
@rodw to what level did you have to brief your web company with regard to design and features. I know what I want but wouldnt have the lingo for the technical aspects ...

Sory mate, missed your question. It is not for everybody and it was hard to describe a tax invoice to a programmer in another country who had never seen one! We started with a detailed spreadsheet of all the things that were in scope and then they wrote a 32 page specifications document which needed some negotiation over. This set the cost and I paid a few more for out of scope bits along the way. You need to have a clear vision and the ability to communicate it well. Having an understanding of IT stuff helped a lot.

They started off showing me several basic design templates knocked up in photoshop which were fantastic and I chose one which their graphic designer created and then they made all of the buttons etc.

It was a big job and took longer than expected but I am very happy with the result and was within my budget.