View Full Version : Experience with Nikon 70 to 200mm vr2 and teleconverters

19-02-2012, 2:10pm
Can anyone comment/experience with using the combination of Nikon teleconverters (especially the x2 vIII) with a Nikon 70 to 200mm vr2?

19-02-2012, 4:20pm
Some reviews I have read indicate that the 1.4 is not enough, the 1.7 is still nice and sharp and the 2 is starting to loose some sharpness.

My experience with teleconverters years ago was never satisfactory so when I buy one for my 70-200, I think I'd go with the 1.7. However, like you, I'd be interested in real world feedback on the 2x converter!

Lance B
19-02-2012, 5:08pm
I have the 70-200 f2.8 VRII and also all 3 TC's, 1.4x TCII, 1.7x TCII and the 2x TCIII.

I think you would be surprised with the excellent IQ that can be obtained from the 2x TCIII when attached to the 70-200 f2.8 VRII. At short to middling distances, say up to 20mts, it gives excellent IQ, after about 20-30mts, the IQ does drop off a little. Here are some samples with the 1.4x TCII and the 2x TCIII:

D700 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 2x TCIII
Focal Length 400 mm
Exposure Time 1/640 sec
Aperture f/6.3
ISO Equivalent 900


D700 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 2x TCIII
Focal Length 400 mm
Exposure Time 1/250 sec
Aperture f/8
ISO Equivalent 560


Crop of above:


D7000 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 2x TCIII
Focal Length 340 mm
Exposure Time 1/60 sec
Aperture f/10
ISO Equivalent 6400


D7000 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 2x TCIII
Focal Length 400 mm
Exposure Time 1/250 sec
Aperture f/8
ISO Equivalent 3200


D700 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 1.4x TCII
Focal Length 280 mm
Exposure Time 1/400 sec
Aperture f/5
ISO Equivalent 800


D700 + 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 1.4x TCII
Focal Length 280 mm
Exposure Time 1/160 sec
Aperture f/5
ISO Equivalent 400


19-02-2012, 5:39pm
Thanks for the replies. I am looking to add to my Nikon zoom lens, I have a trip to South Africa ahead and though I have sigma 120 to 400mm os the quality of the Nikon lens is very attractive providing the IQ is there. Looking at the pictures it would appear to be very good, though my sigma is good providing one is around f8.
From your experience to date do you find the Nikon retains its excellent speed in focussing?

19-02-2012, 9:59pm
Lance, thanks for taking the time to post some examples. I would be very happy with the quality you show of the 2x teleconverter. Much appreciated.

Lance B
19-02-2012, 11:13pm
Thanks for the replies. I am looking to add to my Nikon zoom lens, I have a trip to South Africa ahead and though I have sigma 120 to 400mm os the quality of the Nikon lens is very attractive providing the IQ is there. Looking at the pictures it would appear to be very good, though my sigma is good providing one is around f8.
From your experience to date do you find the Nikon retains its excellent speed in focussing?

Focus speed is slowed a tad with the 1.4x TC and moreso with the 2x TC. However, it is still reasonably fast to AF.

20-02-2012, 4:54pm
Thanks for the reply. I notice you have some excellent lenses, what made you decide to go with teleconverters rather than primes or a longer zoom from Nikon? I have looked but the price of the higher end Nikon lenses is too high for my frequency of use. In addition they are very big and not easy to carry around. Hence my interest in the teleconverters. The 2x vIII looks much better than the previous model. Did you own the ealer version, if yes was this the case?
Regards and thanks

20-02-2012, 6:52pm
I am the same as Lance i that I own the 70-200/2.8 + all 3 TC's inc the new 2xTCIII.

The 2xTCIII is far superior to result you will obtain with the older 2xTCII, and I don't recommend buying it at all for use with any lens.
The focus speed is still quite quick even at 400mm (2x)f/5.6 being wide open. It depends on what body you mate it to as well, because the lens is one thing, but the AF system in the body will also determine focus speed, particularly in lower light.

My D700 will not focus as fast with the 70-200/2.8 or my 400/2.8VR mated with any of the 3 TC's as my D3s will. The Nikon 70-200/2.8 is a superb lens. if you need one for a trip, try renting a big prime, it may tempt you...
Oh, and Lance is now a member of the Nikon Super Tele club ;)

21-02-2012, 6:24pm
thanks for your reply, I have D300 have you ever heard how this camera will perform?
i have looked at renting a lens but the local market prices seem quite high. Which places would you suggest to look at for renting?

Lance B
21-02-2012, 6:58pm
Thanks for the reply. I notice you have some excellent lenses, what made you decide to go with teleconverters rather than primes or a longer zoom from Nikon? I have looked but the price of the higher end Nikon lenses is too high for my frequency of use. In addition they are very big and not easy to carry around. Hence my interest in the teleconverters. The 2x vIII looks much better than the previous model. Did you own the ealer version, if yes was this the case?
Regards and thanks

The reason I went with TC's was more to do with available funds at the time. I used to be a Pentax shooter and decided to go to Nikon for a number of reasons, mainly for FF. As I started out getting a new kit from Nikon this meant that I was a little strapped for funds as I still had my extensive Pentax gear and hadn't sold it yet as I wanted to make sure that Nikon fulfilled my requirements and desires. I started with the D700, 16-35 f4 VR, 24-70 f2.8 and the 70-200 f2.8 VRII + 1.4x TC and I quickly added the 2x TCIII as the move to FF meant that I didn't have the 1.5x reach that APS C (DX) gave me. I then added a 300 f4, but without VR and the fact that I wanted to go longer as I was then getting the birding bug. I tossed up between the 300 f2.8 VRII and use TC's with it or the 200-400 f4 be limited to the 1.4x TC and I therefore decided on the 300 f2.8 and TC's as it was smaller, cheaper, lighter and could use all the TC's, but had the benefit of being used at f2.8 for isolation and good bokeh purposes. I then purchased the 300 f2.8 after selling off most of my Pentax lenses and cameras to raise the money. At that time, I couldn't justify the expense of the longer focal lengths like 500 or 600 f4 VR.

After over 12 months of using the 300 f2.8 VRII + TC's, I decided I wanted a 500 f4 VR and I was lucky enough to find a friend of a friend who had one and was thinking of selling it as he was getting too old for lugging it around anymore. His initial asking price was a little too high for me, but after a few months he came down to a realistic and sensible price which I could almost afford. :)

After all is said and done, you can get some superb images from the 300 f2.8 VRII and TC route. The 1.4x TC will basically not degrade IQ and the 2x TC is quite remarkable considering it is doubling your image size. There is only one real drawback and that is that you need to stop down 1 stop to get the best IQ, but it can be quite acceptable wide open. It also works best at short distance say under 6mts, where the IQ is exemplary, and at middling distances say up to 10-15mts it is excellent, but at distances over about 20-25mts, the IQ does start to degrade a bit. AF can slow down in low light and VR is a tad slower as well, but you can still get great results, you just need to be aware that it is not like a 600 f4 for AF speed or VR speed, but ti still does work and work well, considering.

The beauty of the 300 + TC's is that it is relatively compact and light when compared to the 200-400 f4, 500 f4 and 600 f4. I mount the 300's lens case on the left side of the waist belt of my Lowepro Flipside 400 and it serves as a handy left elbow rest for steadying your shots. It really does work well! In the Flipside 400, I can get the 16-35 f4, 24-70, 70-200, all the TC's a flash and the 300 sits on the waist belt and it is well balanced and not too heavy. I culd easily walk all day with this on, no issue. However, trying to lug the 500 f4 as well is a big ask and on Monday when I had most of this on my back it was telling!

In a nutshell, the 300 + TC's route is a great way to get to 600mm f5.6 for excellent IQ. I can post more examples form the 300 f2.8 + TC's if you wish.

22-02-2012, 5:38pm
Thanks for your reply. Do you use the 300mm mainly for birding? With the 2x teleconverter you obtain 600mm at f5.6. My reasons for the 70 to 200mm f2.8 plus teleconverters is the fact that with my D300 I get 600mm at f5.6. Your pictures looked really good with this combination, hence my interest.
I have to admit liking a zoom for the flexibility and find primes challenging. However I accept that the skill of the picture is in the photographer not their equipment and I have lost to learn.
I have looked at the new Sigma 120 to 300mm OS but I have read very little about it.
Regards and thanks for your replies to date
Thanks for your reply. Do you use the 300mm mainly for birding? With the 2x teleconverter you obtain 600mm at f5.6. My reasons for the 70 to 200mm f2.8 plus teleconverters is the fact that with my D300 I get 600mm at f5.6. Your pictures looked really good with this combination, hence my interest.
I have to admit liking a zoom for the flexibility and find primes challenging. However I accept that the skill of the picture is in the photographer not their equipment and I have lost to learn.
I have looked at the new Sigma 120 to 300mm OS but I have read very little about it.
Regards and thanks for your replies to date

23-02-2012, 6:54am
check this link...the test is with a bare 70-200 VrII..then with both the 1.7 and the 2xIII TC....click on each photo for a full res version...I went with a 1.7,,mainly as I could see from these images that it was the best trade of in lens IQ/ sharpness and cost of the TC { take a good look at the fish next to Yoda and the owl } .....I cant comment on the AF with a x2 TC..but the 1.7 is only a little slower in good light,,,plus its half a stop quicker...thats quite useful as light fades

but Id be happy with either truth be told


24-02-2012, 8:28pm
You should definitely check whether the Nikon 2xTC is compatible with the Sigma lens - not all Sigma lenses will work with Nikon TCs. You may damage your lens if they aren't - ouch!


Thanks for the replies. I am looking to add to my Nikon zoom lens, I have a trip to South Africa ahead and though I have sigma 120 to 400mm os the quality of the Nikon lens is very attractive providing the IQ is there. Looking at the pictures it would appear to be very good, though my sigma is good providing one is around f8.
From your experience to date do you find the Nikon retains its excellent speed in focussing?

25-02-2012, 7:23am
i believe Sigma teleconverters do not work with the 70 to 200mm Nikon, but a good point you have raised.